Diving accidents

Rescuing Modesto Vericetti: Depths of the Westralia and East Extension Gold Mine

Categories: Australia diving accidents, Mine diving

On Tuesday, March 19th, 1907, the Colgardi District of Western Australia faced an unprecedented disaster due to heavy and unseasonal rainfall. The nearby town of Bonneville, in particular, was hit by torrential rain that had dire consequences. The Westralia and East Extension Gold Mine, despite efforts to secure its opening, was inundated with water, bringing […]

Scuba Instructor Death: The Tragic Dive of Christine Gauci in the Mgarr ix-Xini Cave

Categories: Cave diving, Europe diving accidents

Incident Location Diver Full Name Malta, Gozo, Mgarr ix-Xini Cave Christine Gauci Tragedy struck on January 18, 2020, when Christine Gauci, a remarkable 35-year-old technical diver, scuba instructor, freediver, and Afghanistan veteran, met an untimely fate in the midst of what should have been another routine dive. The incident left many with unanswered questions, and […]