Cave diving archive

The Lost Dive of May Jones in Little River Springs

Categories: Cave diving, North America diving accidents

Incident Location Diver Full Name Little River Springs, Florida, USA May Jones Two experienced divers embark on a mission to dive to the well casing located at 1,976 FT within the Little River Springs. Despite the risks associated with such dives, they remain undeterred. Little River Springs, nestled in Florida’s Suwannee River County Park, offers diverse […]

Han Ting Vanishes in the Abyss of Jiudun Cave!

Categories: Asia diving accidents, Cave diving

Incident Location Diver Full Name Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region, Du’an, Jiudun village Han Ting Renowned diver Han Ting has gone missing while exploring the depths of a cave in Jiudun village, located in Du’an, Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region in southern China. Diving into the Unknown Han Ting was last seen submerging into the cave on […]

Deep Dive Nightmare Claims Daring Explorer Brett Hemphill in Phantom Springs Cave

Categories: Cave diving, North America diving accidents

Incident Location Diver Full Name Phantom Springs Cave, Texas, USA Brett Hemphill Four days after a renowned Florida cave diving pioneer failed to resurface from the depths of a submerged Texas cave, Brett Hemphill’s dive team successfully recovered his body late Sunday night, as reported by officials from the sheriff’s office. A Daring Recovery Mission […]

Font Estramar’s Curse Continues: The Tragic Disappearance of Mark Sluszny and the Heartbreaking Fate of Laurent Richaud

Categories: Cave diving, Europe diving accidents

Incident Location Diver Full Name France, Font Estramar Mark Sluszny, Laurent Richaud Mark Sluszny’s Disappearance Mark went diving with a friend on June 28th, 2018, but they got separated underwater. Even though there were warnings to stop, Mark kept going deeper and disappeared at a very deep spot (over 370 feet!). People tried to find him, […]