Cave diving archive

Tragedy at Buzz Cave: Diver Jim Cummings

Categories: Cave diving, North America diving accidents

Incident Location Diver Full Name USA, Homosassa, Florida, Buzz Cave James Francis Cummings The Buzz Cave Disaster of 2007 remains a harrowing story in the diving community. An experienced yet overconfident diving instructor led two open water divers into a perilous cave system, resulting in a near-fatal tragedy. This transcript explores the events surrounding that […]

Tragic Incident at Sac Actun Cenote

Categories: Cave diving, North America diving accidents

Incident Location Diver Names Mexico, Tulum, Sac Actun Cenote Unknown On October 17, 1990, a group of eight experienced cave divers entered the Sac Actun Cenote with the intent of exploring this amazing cave system. However, they got into a terrifying situation and struggled to find their way out. Are you enjoying our cave diving […]

Florida Dive Expedition that Claimed the Lives of Mark Granger and William Ridenour

Categories: Cave diving, North America diving accidents

Location Diver USA, Florida, Royal Springs Park Mark Granger, William Ridenour Trained in open-water diving, these two diving buddies entered a cave at Royal Springs Park, Florida. Are you enjoying our cave diving videos but have not subscribed yet? Please kindly subscribe to our channel for more cave diving stories. Exploring Royal Springs Park There […]

Tragedy Strikes in Palinuro, Italy: The Heartbreaking Tale of the Lost Divers in the Depths of Blood Cave

Categories: Cave diving, Europe diving accidents

Incident Location Diver Full Names Palinuro, Italy Mauro Cammardella, Mauro Tancredi, Silvio Anzola We are back with one of the most disturbing and tragic cave diving incidents that took place in Palinuro, Italy. 12 Italian scuba divers went for underwater cave exploration when things went horrifyingly wrong. Who knew that their passion would lead them […]