USA archive

The Tragic Dive: The Mystery of Devil’s Den

Categories: Cave diving, North America diving accidents

Incident Location Diver Full Name Williston, Florida, USA – Devil’s Den CP Few caves on Earth are more interesting than Devil’s Den in Williston, Florida. Numerous photographers and videographers have described it as the most beautiful cave in the world. But it isn’t just the natural scenery that makes this cave both mysterious and intriguing; […]

The Lost Dive of May Jones in Little River Springs

Categories: Cave diving, North America diving accidents

Incident Location Diver Full Name Little River Springs, Florida, USA May Jones Two experienced divers embark on a mission to dive to the well casing located at 1,976 FT within the Little River Springs. Despite the risks associated with such dives, they remain undeterred. Little River Springs, nestled in Florida’s Suwannee River County Park, offers diverse […]