USA archive

Florida’s Deadly Depths: The Tragic Tale of Eagle’s Nest Sinkhole

Categories: Cave diving, North America diving accidents

Incident Location Diver Full Name USA, Florida, Eagle’s Nest Patrick Peacock, Chris Rittenmeyer Eagle’s Nest Sinkhole has been known for luring both experienced and inexperienced divers to their deaths. Very poor visibility often affects the diver’s sense of orientation, resulting in difficulties to find their way out. On October 15, 2016, two certified cave divers […]

The Mysterious Vanishing of Ben McDaniel

Categories: Cave diving, North America diving accidents

Incident Location Diver Names USA, Florida, Vortex Spring Ben McDaniel On August 18th, 2010, Ben McDaniel was diving in Vortex Spring Cave when something went horrifyingly wrong, and this event would go on to be the greatest mystery in diving history. This is his story. The Disappearance On Wednesday, August 18th, Ben McDaniel returned to […]