Alachua Sink USA

Situated in the city of Alachua, Florida, Mill Creek Sink stands as a remarkable geological feature originally established by the NSS as the Alachua Sink Preserve on November 7, 1992. The generous donation of the property by the Asgrow Florida Corporation, a division of the Upjohn Company, underscores its significance. This donation was spearheaded by John Kibler, a dedicated NSS/CDS member and Asgrow employee.

  • Region: Florida
  • Coordinates: 29.80114, -82.5085
  • Depth: 227 ft
  • Remarks: Mill Creek Sink, NSS/CDS, Guided
  • Type: Cave

Unveiling Mill Creek Sink’s Unique Features: A Window to the Underground

Mill Creek Sink is not just a sinkhole; it is a water-filled sinkhole intricately connected to a water-filled cave, serving as the exclusive known window to the underground Mill Creek Stream System. The sinkhole plunges nearly 50 feet down to the water’s edge, filled with tannic-stained water, fallen trees, and debris for most of the year. Clear water is only encountered after a considerable distance into the system.

Diving Mill Creek Sink: A Guide-Required Exploration

To explore the depths of Alachua Sink, a guide is essential. Divers must have a guide. It’s important to note that these guides, who are all volunteers, are not permitted to charge for their services. While tipping is not expected, a gesture such as ensuring they enjoy a good meal or deco beverage after the dive is always appreciated.

Alachua Sink map


How deep is the main cave system in Alachua Sink?

The main cave system of Alachua Sink reaches depths of up to 227 feet, providing a thrilling underwater exploration experience.

What is the water condition in Alachua Sink?

For most of the year, Alachua Sink is filled with very dark, tannic-stained water, fallen trees, and debris. Clear water is encountered after a considerable distance into the system.

Is a guide required for diving in Alachua Sink?

Yes, to dive in Alachua Sink, a guide is mandatory. Guides for this site can be contacted here, and it’s important to note that these dedicated guides are volunteers who do not charge for their services.

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Underwater caves