Anderson Spring USA

Nestled on the east side of the Suwannee River, Anderson Spring awaits exploration, conveniently located near the parking lot. During low water levels, spotting this hidden gem is a breeze.

  • Region: Florida
  • Coordinates: 
  • Depth: 80 ft
  • Remarks:
  • Type: Cave

Dynamic Underwater Landscape

Experience a powerful flow, with the entrance reaching depths of 20 feet. As the cave descends through a shaft to around 80 feet, it extends for thousands of feet, offering an awe-inspiring underwater journey. Note that an updated map is currently unavailable.

Expert Guidance Recommended

For an optimal dive experience, especially for first-timers, we strongly recommend enlisting the services of a guide. Navigate the mysteries of Anderson Spring with confidence and safety.

Dive Right In Scuba
Underwater caves