Blind Spring USA

Discover the enchanting Blind Spring, nestled 5.2 miles southwest of Chassahowitzka, as documented in the Florida Geological Survey Bulletin 66. Accessible only by water, this natural wonder is situated at the head of Blind Creek, flowing westward into the Gulf of Mexico.

  • Region: Florida
  • Coordinates: 28.657628, -82.634766
  • Depth: 180 ft
  • Remarks:
  • Type: Cave, Cavern

Spring Details and Surroundings

Blind Spring unveils a circular pool, spanning 90 feet in diameter, with depths reaching 55 feet at its center. Submerged limestone shelves grace the north side of the pool, while algae and dark silt deposits adorn the spring’s bottom and sides. Notably, the water’s clarity varies, turning clear and bluish during drier periods.

Subterranean Journey of Blind Creek

Functioning as the reemergence point for a subterranean section of Blind Creek, this spring plays a vital role in the intricate network of waterways. Originating in the Chassahowitzka Swamp, Blind Creek travels through Beauford Spring, reaches a siphon, and reemerges as Blind Spring. It then winds its way through open brackish and salt marsh to finally meet the Gulf of Mexico.

Ecological Delight at Chassahowitzka National Wildlife Refuge

Situated on the west side of the Chassahowitzka National Wildlife Refuge, Blind Spring marks the ecological boundary between coastal palm-hardwood-cedar hammock and open salt marsh. Tidally influenced, the lower Blind Creek showcases swift tidal currents, sculpting the limestone bottom for several hundred feet below Blind Spring. Explore this natural oasis, where a private fishing cabin on stilts adds a touch of charm to the surroundings.


How deep is Blind Spring?

Blind Spring reaches depths of up to 180 feet at its center, providing a captivating underwater experience.

What is the water temperature in Blind Spring?

The water in Blind Spring maintains a comfortable temperature, with variations depending on the season, ensuring an enjoyable exploration.

How clear is the water in Blind Spring?

Water clarity in Blind Spring varies, with reports of clear and bluish water during drier periods, offering excellent visibility for exploring its submerged limestone shelves and captivating surroundings.

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Underwater caves