Blue Spring USA

Nestled near Owls Bend, this stunning spring graces the landscape, surrounded by lush forest near the Current River. It’s a natural wonder that stands as the sixth-largest in Missouri in terms of average daily flow, boasting an impressive 90 million gallons.

  • Region: Missouri
  • Coordinates:
  • Depth: 280 ft
  • Remarks: Permit
  • Type: Cave

Preserving Nature’s Bounty

A Collaboration for Conservation:

The site is under the care of the Missouri Department of Conservation, and its preservation is a joint effort with the National Park Service. Together, they ensure the protection and maintenance of this pristine natural area.

Diving into Research

Unlocking the Depths:

Diving within this captivating spring is an exclusive endeavor, granted only through research permits. It provides an exceptional opportunity to explore the underwater wonders concealed beneath the surface, contributing to scientific understanding and conservation efforts.

Dive Right In Scuba
Underwater caves