Burnabbie Cave Australia

In the early months of 2003, Max Hall of CEGSA unearthed the Fauna Lakes Tunnel, setting the stage for exploration. The inaugural dive, led by Rod O’Brien (SUSS) in July 2003, uncovered 30-40 meters of captivating passages, marking the commencement of a remarkable subterranean journey.

  • Region: Nullarbor
  • Coordinates:
  • Depth:
  • Remarks:
  • Type: Cave

Extensive Exploration and Mapping

Over the Xmas-New Year period in 2003/04, a dedicated team comprising David & Petra Funda (CEGSA) and Paul Hosie (WASG) delved into the depths of the cave, meticulously mapping over 1800 meters of passages. The cave’s main arteries stretch along a NE/SW bearing line, allowing for a maximum penetration of 800 meters from the entrance towards the NE.

Varied Passage Dimensions and Rich Fauna

Fauna Lakes Tunnel boasts diverse passage dimensions, ranging from small phreatic windows (1m²) to expansive breakdown passages (8m x 5m). The cave’s maximum depth reaches 12 meters, unveiling its multi-dimensional complexity. The rich fauna within includes troglobitic species like cockroaches, centipedes, and spiders, creating a unique ecosystem.

Fauna Lakes Tunnel: Submerged Beauty

A focal point of the cave, the Fauna Lakes Tunnel, features a large half-submerged section adorned with tree roots in the dry chambers. However, caution is advised as the atmospheres in these dry chambers may contain high levels of CO2 and possible H2S, making them inhospitable.

Fauna Lakes Tunnel, with its intricate passages and diverse ecosystem, invites explorers into a mesmerizing underground world, where every dive reveals new wonders.

Dive Right In Scuba
Underwater caves