Car Wash Mexico

Situated a little over eight kilometers from the Highway 307 intersection, Car Wash (Aktun Ha) stands as the farthest cave system along the Coba Road. Recognizable by the sign saying Cenote Cristal on the left-hand side, it’s crucial to choose the facility at the far end for the ultimate exploration.

  • Region: Quintana Roo
  • Coordinates: 20.27403, -87.48607
  • Depth: 70 ft
  • Remarks: Aktun Ha (Water Cave)
  • Type: Cave, Cavern, OW

Natural Wonders: Delicate Formations in the Room of Tears

Car Wash earns its fame for the exquisite, soda-straw-like formations, particularly in the enchanting Room of Tears. Before the discovery of Sac Aktun and Nohoch, it held the title of the area’s most beautifully decorated cave, showcasing nature’s artistic brilliance.

Guide’s Role: Navigating the Maze of Columns

Navigating Car Wash can be challenging, with the permanent line upstream starting a considerable distance from the entrance, hidden among towering columns. Hiring a professional guide becomes essential, ensuring you maximize your cave exploration without getting lost in the maze of formations.

Dive Routes: Exploring Adriannas Room and Beyond

Once on the main line, dive options abound. A popular route includes exploring Adriannas Room, then backtracking to the Room of Tears jump, providing an opportunity for mid-dive recalculation of thirds—an instructional favorite. Beyond lies the Room of Tears Basement, the Lotus Room, or downstream wonders like Satans Silthole and the Chamber of the Ancients.

Preservation Tips: Guarding Soda Straw Formations

Respect for delicate formations is crucial, especially soda straws, prone to damage from exhaust bubbles. Following the main line diligently and seeking guidance from professionals not only enhances the dive experience but safeguards the natural wonders within Car Wash. Depths vary, reaching 70 feet with the added allure of a saltwater layer in this captivating cave system.


How clear is the water in Aktun Ha (Car Wash Cave)?

Aktun Ha (Car Wash Cave) is known for its crystal-clear water, offering excellent visibility for divers to appreciate the delicate formations and natural wonders within the cave system.

Dive Right In Scuba
Underwater caves