Cenote Jailhouse Mexico

Our sincere thanks to Lynne Flaherty for sharing valuable insights into Jailhouse, formerly known as Muknal’s Remote Siphon on the QRSS maps. Embark on an underwater journey as we unveil the wonders of this captivating cenote system.

  • Region: Quintana Roo
  • Coordinates:
  • Depth:
  • Remarks: Muknal’s Remote Siphon
  • Type: Cave, Cavern

Access and Key Information: Your Portal to Jailhouse Exploration

To reach Jailhouse, use the same highway exit as Mayan Blue and obtain the essential key in Tulum at the house just past the Ejido Tulum home. Entry comes at 150 pesos per person, providing access to an intriguing underwater realm.

Navigating the Dive Site: Tips for a Seamless Experience

Driving up the Mayan Blue road, take the new road to the right past the Mayan Blue parking lot. Navigate carefully at the Y intersection near a house, keeping an eye out for a tethered bull. Ample parking and tables await divers at the site, where a caretaker will check your key. Entry is through easy stone steps, and it’s advisable to stay close to the entry edge to preserve visibility along the mainline.

Underwater Landscape: Dark and Light Divides in Jailhouse

Jailhouse reveals a dual personality beneath the surface. One section features very dark freshwater, while the other, below the halocline, showcases vibrant white and cobalt blue saltwater. The cave’s unique layout offers saltwater passages on both sides of the T, with the largest passage downstream.

Caution: Nature’s Pests and Dive Precautions

Be mindful of mosquitoes and other bugs at Jailhouse, and take necessary precautions. The cave entrance involves a mung-covered bottom, but careful fin navigation can preserve visibility for fellow divers. Dive into the depths of Jailhouse Cenote, where an enchanting world of contrasts awaits exploration.


How clear is the water in Cenote Jailhouse?

The water in Cenote Jailhouse is known for its varying clarity. While the freshwater section is very dark, the saltwater portion below the halocline boasts vibrant white and cobalt blue clarity, creating a unique underwater landscape for exploration.

Dive Right In Scuba
Underwater caves