Cenote Kankirixche Mexico
Embark on an extraordinary journey to Cenote Kankirixche, situated just 49 kilometers south of Merida. This captivating cenote, named after the “Yellow Fruit Tree,” invites adventurers to explore its depths through a 15-meter drop down a breakdown slope, easily navigated with a handline.
- Region: Yucatan
- Coordinates:
- Depth: 173 ft
- Remarks: Yellow Fruit Tree
- Type: Cave
Rooted in Nature: Tree Roots and Spectacular Views
As you descend, marvel at the large tree roots penetrating into the cave, hanging in clusters just below the water surface. The cavern area of Cenote Kankirixche stands among Mexico’s largest, boasting depths ranging from 5 to nearly 50 meters and a circular design with a diameter of approximately 90 meters.
Nature’s Light Show: A Spectacular Sight
At the right time of day, witness a mesmerizing spectacle as a shaft of light from the entrance pierces the crystal-clear water, illuminating the giant submerged cavern. Cavern divers are treated to an abundance of submerged stalactites on the flat ceiling, creating an ideal excursion for those eager to explore.
Hidden Depths: Koosh Anak and Expansive Chambers
In the southwest corner, a low but wide tunnel at depths of 50-53 meters leads to the Koosh Anak passage. Overcoming collapse obstacles, a restriction at the top provides access to a vast chamber measuring approximately 90 meters in length, 45 meters in width, and boasting a floor-to-ceiling height of 18 meters. Two passages extend from this room, one explored to a maximum penetration of 313 meters and a depth of 53 meters.
Clear Waters and Exploration Challenges
Despite the absence of significant flow, Cenote Kankirixche’s water remains exceptionally clear, offering a captivating view of the underwater world. The floor, covered with light brown, heavy silt, presents challenges for exploratory dives due to the depth involved, requiring extended decompression.
Embark on an exploration of Cenote Kankirixche, where nature’s grandeur and underwater mysteries converge in a truly unforgettable experience.

Cenote Kankirixche reaches depths ranging from 5 to nearly 50 meters.
The water in Cenote Kankirixche maintains a comfortable temperature, enhancing the diving experience. Specific details may vary.
Cenote Kankirixche is renowned for its exceptionally clear water, providing divers with excellent visibility to explore the captivating underwater formations within the cave.