Crab Creek Springs USA

Discover the wonders of Crab Spring, an enchanting freshwater oasis located near Homosassa Springs Wildlife State Park. Our guide provides essential information and directions, offering insights partially derived from Florida Geological Survey Bulletin 66.

  • Region: Florida
  • Coordinates: 28.717114, -82.576045
  • Depth: 60 ft
  • Remarks: Sidemount/No mount
  • Type: Cave

Getting There: Accessing Crab Spring

  1. Starting Point: Commence your journey from Homosassa Springs Wildlife State Park.
  2. Heading South: Drive south on US 19/98 for approximately 5.8 miles.
  3. Turning West: Take a right turn onto CR 480 and continue for about 1.8 miles until you reach the public boat access area.
  4. Navigating to the Spring: Crab Spring Run gracefully enters the north side of the Chassahowitzka River, just 400 feet downstream from the Chassahowitzka boat ramp. The spring itself is nestled near a private residence at the head of the run.

Exploring Crab Spring: A Natural Oasis

Crab Spring offers a captivating underwater world, and it’s essential to understand its characteristics.


  • Spring Pool Dimensions: The spring pool boasts a diameter of 75 feet and features at least four separate spring vents. The largest vent, with a depth of 8 feet, can be found on the east side of the pool.
  • Water Clarity: The water in Crab Spring is characterized by a bluish hue, although it may appear slightly murky. Prominent boils are visible over each of the spring vents.
  • Aquatic Environment: While sand and limestone accentuate the pool’s bottom near the vents, the remainder of the pool is covered by aquatic grasses and exotic aquatic plants, often adorned with a thick brown algal coating.
  • Surrounding Landscape: The northern side of the spring pool is occupied by a private estate, while the rest of the area is surrounded by lowland forest, enhancing the natural ambiance.

Exploration Report:

  • Cave System: Crab Creek Spring Cave system is located at the beginning of Crab Creek in Chassahowitzka WMA (Wildlife Management Area).
  • Access: Access to the underwater cave is possible solely from the river, using a small vessel or kayak.
  • Exploration Details: In May-June of 2009, an exploration team conducted maintenance and surveyed this charming cave. The cave features two main entrances, with the upstream section being deeper and the downstream section exiting into the first opening while kayaking upstream.
  • Water Conditions: The cave aquifer is fed by two sources: freshwater and saltwater from deep sinkholes in a forest. The system experiences tidal fluctuations affecting flow and salinity.
  • Cave Characteristics: The cave exhibits two relatively large main entrances, with a deeper upstream section and an unlined no-mount section downstream.
  • Cave Environment: The cave environment includes unique features like jelly-like orange sulfur-eating bacteria, which become visible after an initial 60 feet of clear visibility.
  • Caution: This dive site is exclusively for experienced cave divers with proper training and adequate equipment. It’s essential to recognize the inherent risks associated with cave diving.

Crab Spring promises a remarkable underwater adventure for trained cave divers. Explore its captivating depths, but exercise caution and prioritize safety throughout your visit.


How deep is Crab Spring Cave?

Crab Spring Cave is 60 ft deeep.

What is the water temperature inside Crab Spring Cave?

The water temperature inside Crab Spring Cave can vary, but it typically reflects the surrounding conditions and remains relatively stable.

Is Crab Spring Cave suitable for inexperienced divers?

No, Crab Spring Cave is exclusively for experienced cave divers with proper training and equipment. Inexperienced divers should not attempt to explore this cave due to its inherent risks.

Dive Right In Scuba
Underwater caves