Cueva Fun Fun Dominican Republic

Discover the allure of Fun Fun Cave, situated in the eastern part of the Dominican Republic and easily accessible for visitors to the south and east coast resorts. Formerly known as La Cueva del Diablo (Devil’s Cave), Fun Fun stands out as one of the world’s largest caves and the Caribbean region’s longest.

  • Region: Hato Mayor
  • Coordinates:
  • Depth:
  • Remarks: La Cueva del Diablo
  • Type: Cave

A Subterranean Wonder: Fun Fun’s Impressive Features

With over seven kilometers of tunnels, underground rivers, and breathtaking rock formations, Fun Fun offers a captivating underground experience. The journey to this natural wonder begins on horseback and continues on foot from Rancho Capote, promising an adventure-filled exploration.

Exclusive Access Through Private Property

Access to Fun Fun Cave is through private property, emphasizing the need for guided tours. With minimal signage leading to the cave, visitors are encouraged to secure a cave expert as a guide or join organized tours for a seamless and enriching experience.

Guided Tours for a Safe Exploration

Due to its complexity and the lack of self-guided options, Fun Fun Cave necessitates the assistance of a knowledgeable guide. Visitors are advised to take advantage of guided tours, ensuring a safe and informative journey through the expansive and awe-inspiring underground realm.


What is the water temperature inside Fun Fun Cave?

The water within Fun Fun Cave maintains a comfortable temperature, providing an enjoyable experience for visitors, although specific temperature details may vary.

Dive Right In Scuba
Underwater caves