Darby Spring USA

Discover the enchanting Darby Spring, situated just 1.8 miles north of High Springs, Florida. Our guide provides essential information, directions, and insights, with references drawn from the Florida Geological Survey Bulletin 66.

  • Region: Florida
  • Coordinates: 29.85262, -82.60596
  • Depth:
  • Remarks:
  • Type: Cave

Getting There: Accessing Darby Spring

  1. Starting Point: Embark on your journey from the intersection of US 441 and CR 236 in the charming town of High Springs.
  2. Heading Northwest: Travel 1.8 miles northwest on US 441, heading towards the Santa Fe River.
  3. Navigating to the Spring: Locate Darby Spring approximately 0.1 miles upstream from the public boat ramp off SR 441, nestled along the picturesque south bank of the Santa Fe River.

Exploring Darby Spring: A Natural Marvel

Darby Spring invites you to immerse yourself in its refreshing waters and serene surroundings.


  • Spring Pool Dimensions: The Darby Spring pool boasts a diameter of 40 feet and a depth of 10 feet, offering ample space for a soothing dip.
  • Aquatic Abundance: In December 2002, the spring pool was adorned with abundant aquatic vegetation and cloaked in duckweed, creating a picturesque scene.
  • Bottom Characteristics: During the December 2002 visit, the pool’s bottom and spring vent were not visible, adding an air of mystery to the spring’s depths.
  • Run Details: The spring run extends for 150 feet, measuring 4.0 feet in width and 0.5 feet in depth. Its soft detritus bottom is covered with leaves and tree branches, contributing to its natural charm.
  • Surrounding Landscape: The high ground enveloping Darby Spring gradually slopes upward to a height of 7.0 feet. To the east, you’ll encounter a vast, grassy pasture, enhancing the scenic beauty of the area.
  • Access Information: Please note that Darby Spring is situated on privately owned wooded property.


Darby Spring provides a serene retreat, perfect for those seeking a tranquil escape into nature’s embrace. However, do keep in mind that it is located on private property.

Embrace the serenity of Darby Spring and experience the hidden beauty that lies within Florida’s natural landscapes. Whether you’re a nature enthusiast or simply seeking a peaceful getaway, this destination offers a unique experience.


What is the water temperature inside Darby Spring Cave?

The water inside Darby Spring Cave maintains a natural and comfortable temperature, making it suitable for visitors.

Is Darby Spring Cave open to the public for exploration?

Access to Darby Spring Cave may be restricted, as it is often situated on private property. It’s advisable to check for accessibility and permits before attempting to explore the cave.

Dive Right In Scuba
Underwater caves