Fuentenavina Spain

Embark on a journey to GAEM Cave with a convenient 150m walk from the car, following a dirt path beside the spring. As you approach the entrance, benches set up by GAEM, the local cave exploration group, offer a touch of comfort reminiscent of Florida and Yucatan explorations. The entrance, accessed through a horizontal fissure in the karst wall, requires a feet-first slide, accommodating two divers side by side. While the initial chamber may sacrifice visibility, the clear expanse unfolds as you turn into the flow, with a well-laid line guiding your exploration.

  • Region: Guadalajara
  • Coordinates: 40.62821, -2.03032
  • Depth: 92 ft
  • Remarks:
  • Type: Cave

Entrance Oasis: Benches and Nature Walk

At the cave entrance, GAEM has thoughtfully placed benches, providing a serene spot to soak in the surroundings and reflect on the luxuries of cave exploration. The absence of a traditional basin makes the entrance unique, requiring a skillful maneuver through a horizontal fissure in the karst wall.

Navigating the Initial Challenge: Clear Waters Beyond

The first chamber, though initially compromising visibility, quickly gives way to clear waters as you turn into the flow. GAEM Cave’s well-laid line ensures a smooth and enjoyable underwater journey, enhancing the overall exploration experience.


How deep is Fuentenavina Cave?

92 ft deep

What is the water temperature inside Fuentenavina Cave?

Fuentenavina Cave offers a comfortable water temperature for exploration, enhancing the overall underwater experience. The well-laid line ensures a smooth journey through the cave’s clear waters.

Dive Right In Scuba
Underwater caves