Gran Cenote Mexico

Embark on an exploration of Sac Aktun, situated just four kilometers west of Tulum on the Coba Road. The journey begins at the attended parking area, marked by a prominent sign reading “Gran Cenote,” serving as the primary entrance to the cave system. The main cavern at Gran Cenote, a popular site for cavern tours, features a distinctive gold line encircling its perimeter.

  • Region: Quintana Roo
  • Coordinates: 20.24653, -87.46416
  • Depth: 50 ft
  • Remarks: Sac Aktun (White Cave)
  • Type: Cave, Cavern, OW

Navigating the Underwater Maze

To access the upstream side of the cave, swim along the right-hand side of the cavern until you reach the point where the line takes a sharp left. From here, tie off and continue forward, encountering the start of the permanent cave line. The main line extends to Cenote Ho-Tul, connecting divers to various directions within the cave. Opt for a mesmerizing journey by running a reel across Cenote Ho-Tul to connect with the Cuzan Nah loop line, offering a circuit through one of the cave’s most picturesque sections.

Diverse Exploration Options with Professional Guides

Divers can explore multiple offshoots and the extensive upstream portion of the cave by venturing onto the Paso Lagarto line. For a unique experience, professional guides can arrange a traverse from Cenote Calimba to Gran Cenote, providing a comprehensive exploration of Sac Aktun. With depths rarely exceeding 40 feet and a consistent water depth, Sac Aktun ensures a captivating diving experience, free from haloclines throughout the cave.


How deep is Grand Cenote?

Depths in Grand Cenote rarely exceed 50 feet, providing a comfortable and accessible diving experience.

What is the water temperature in Grand Cenote?

The water in Grand Cenote maintains a consistent temperature, ensuring a pleasant and enjoyable diving environment.

Is the water clear in Grand Cenote?

Yes, the water in Grand Cenote is crystal clear, offering excellent visibility for divers and enhancing the overall exploration experience.

Dive Right In Scuba
Underwater caves