Leon Sinks – Upper River Sink USA

  • River Sink Spring is located approximately 12 miles SSW (south-southwest) of Tallahassee, Florida.
  • To reach this natural wonder, start at the intersection of State Highways 61 and 369, located south of Tallahassee.
  • Take State Highway 369 in a southwest direction for 5.6 miles.
  • Look for a sandy road that heads south as the highway curves more toward the southwest.
  • Continue south on this road for 0.4 miles, then head 0.8 miles to the east along a tree-lined lane.
  • Finally, go 0.2 miles to the north, and you will arrive at River Sink Spring.
  • Region: Florida
  • Coordinates: 30.27882, -84.34296
  • Depth:
  • Remarks:
  • Type: Cave

Description of River Sink Spring

  • River Sink Spring is nestled in a relatively flat, sandy woodland area, primarily featuring pine trees.
  • The spring boasts a pool that spans approximately 65 feet in width and stretches about 160 feet in length.
  • At its deepest point, near the north end of the pool, the spring reaches depths of around 30 feet.
  • As you move towards the south edge of the pool, it deepens slightly to about 31 feet.
  • The pool’s bottom gently slopes upward to a depth of 5.5 feet as you approach its narrower section, which spans 57 feet in width.
  • Beyond this point, the pool continues to deepen towards the south, leading to a sinkhole that is approximately 65 feet wide and 120 feet long.
  • Much like Kini Spring, you may notice debris collecting at the end of the pool near the sinkhole.

Utilization of River Sink Spring

  • River Sink Spring offers visitors the opportunity to enjoy swimming in its refreshing waters.
  • It provides a serene natural setting for a relaxing and enjoyable outdoor experience.
Leon Sinks - Upper River Sink USA
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Underwater caves