Pena Portugal

With Pena Cave, accessibility is a breeze — you can effortlessly drive a 4×4 right to the entrance gate, ensuring a smooth start to your subterranean adventure.

  • Region: Santarem
  • Coordinates:
  • Depth:
  • Remarks:
  • Type: Cave

Securing Entry: Key Insights

Unlocking the mysteries of Pena Cave requires a key, held by the local firefighters in Minde. There’s no entrance fee, making it an accessible and cost-free experience for cave enthusiasts.

Seasonal Marvel: Dry and Flooded Perspectives

Pena Cave, nestled in the same region as Alviela and Almonda, showcases a unique seasonal character. While mostly dry throughout the year, it transforms into a flooded spectacle during favorable winters with heavy rain. Dive enthusiasts have a brief window each year to explore its underwater wonders, as water levels recede quickly after rainfall.

Dive into Exploration: Pedro Lage’s Expertise

Renowned explorer Pedro Lage has extensively mapped and explored the intricate passages of Pena Cave. A sought-after site for cave classes, it offers a distinctive and educational experience for those delving into the world of cave exploration.

Dive Right In Scuba
Underwater caves