Slot Cave Australia

Slot Cave, nestled in the proximity of Olwolgin Cave on the Roe Plain south of Cocklebiddy, emerged into discovery thanks to Max Hall of Balladonia. The cave, first explored and dived in July 2003, promises a journey into the hidden depths of an underground realm.

  • Region: Nullarbor
  • Coordinates:
  • Depth:
  • Remarks:
  • Type: Cave

Diveable East End Pool

The main chamber of Slot Cave features pools of water at both ends, but the East end pool stands out as the only diveable option. With meticulous excavation efforts, the mud and debris-choked pool were cleared, revealing a large underwater room that adds an extra layer of intrigue to the cave’s allure.

Underwater Exploration and Potential Passages

Paul Hosie’s daring zero-visibility underwater excavation unveiled a small tunnel at -6m, leading off to the NW. The initial dive explored approximately 50 meters of passage, revealing the potential for more routes, including two promising side leads. Subsequent dives extended the exploration to 150 meters from the entrance, culminating in a total passage length of 200 meters with beautifully sculpted, fissure-controlled conduits that converge in a silty, narrow fissure.

Slot Cave invites adventurers into its subterranean wonders, where each dive unveils new passages and beautifully sculpted conduits, promising an exploration of the unknown.

Dive Right In Scuba
Underwater caves