Sun Springs USA

Sun Springs, a serene natural gem, is located approximately 7.8 miles north of Fanning Springs. Nestled within a private community, it’s regrettably not accessible to the public by land. For those intrigued, the journey starts from the intersection of US 98/19 and SR 26 in Fanning Springs. A northbound drive along SR 26 for about 1.4 miles leads to Wilcox. In Wilcox, where SR 26 takes a 90-degree turn to the east, continue north onto CR 232, spanning around 6.2 miles. Upon reaching the intersection with SW 25th Street, make a left turn heading west, and after around 0.8 mile, you’ll arrive at the boat ramp. Sun Springs’ spring run gracefully joins the Suwannee River from the east, approximately 0.35 miles upstream from this boat ramp.

  • Region: Florida
  • Coordinates: 29.70455, -82.93358
  • Depth:
  • Remarks: Closed, Private Property, Nomount
  • Type: Cave

Unveiling Sun Springs

Sun Springs finds its home within a bowl-shaped depression, offering a tranquil oasis of nature’s beauty. The spring pool extends 99 ft from north to south and 132 ft from east to west. The pool’s maximum depth measures 14.2 ft, hosting two distinct vents. The main vent, pivotal for water quality sampling, lies centrally. A smaller vent graces the south side of the pool, positioned upslope from the main vent. Sand and limestone characterize the spring’s bottom, with intermittent limestone exposure near both vents. During a visit in April 2002, the water showcased a clear, greenish tint. Unlike a traditional boil, the surface held no distinct churning motion, yet a gentle current was perceptible in the shallow spring run. Along the eastern pool edge, concrete terraces provide a unique feature, and a fence encloses the southern area near the dirt access road. The spring run, averaging around 15 ft in width and 2 ft in depth, meanders north and then west, spanning roughly 1,900 ft. While aquatic vegetation was relatively sparse during the visit, abundant algal mats adorned the pool and run. Notably, an earlier observation had revealed an abundance of Hydrilla and water lettuce. The picturesque banks rise to a height of approximately 15-18 ft above the water level. Alongside this scenic haven, private residences and hardwood trees dot the landscape, accompanied by cypress trees along the spring and run’s edges.

Private Beauty and Local Use

Sun Springs, though secluded in a private community, holds significance as a cherished swimming area for local residents. Regrettably, access for the general public is unavailable due to its private status. Notably, during the visit in April 2002, low water levels hindered spring access through the run. Yet, higher water levels would make such access feasible and would unlock the enchanting experience Sun Springs has to offer.


Where is Sun Springs located?

Sun Springs is situated about 7.8 miles north of Fanning Springs within a private community.

Can the public visit Sun Springs?

No, Sun Springs is not accessible to the public by land. It’s located within a private community.

What is unique about Sun Springs?

Sun Springs features a tranquil bowl-shaped pool with clear water and concrete terraces. It’s a private swimming area for local residents.

Dive Right In Scuba
Underwater caves