Wall Spring USA

Begin your journey from the crossroads of US 19 (Alt) and Oceanside Court in Wall Springs. Embark northward on US Alt 19 for approximately 0.3 miles until you encounter Brevard Street. Make a westward turn (left) onto Brevard Street, and within the embrace of Wall Springs County Park on the western edge of US Alt 19, lies the serene haven of Health Spring.

  • Region: Florida
  • Coordinates: 28.106249, -82.773281
  • Depth:
  • Remarks: Closed
  • Type: Cave, Cavern

Revealing the Beauty of Health Spring: An Oasis of Tranquility

Imagine stepping into the enchanting enclosure of Health Spring, its sanctuary marked by a 2-foot-high concrete wall. This boundary cradles a spring pool, 30 feet in diameter, graced with a 3-foot-wide opening on the northern side to release the spring’s gentle flow. A duo of double chain-linked fences further secures its enchantment. The water within carries a murky-green hue, as if embodying the secrets of nature.

A Journey Beyond: Health Spring’s Run and Beyond

Venture to the heart of Health Spring, and a captivating journey awaits. A spring run flows northward for a mere 60 feet, merging into a tidal creek inlet before finding its destiny in the embrace of Boggy Bayou. The surrounding land blossoms into Wall Springs County Park, offering ample space for nature enthusiasts to gather and cherish the beauty that unfolds.

Known by Many Names: The Mystery of Health Spring

Unveiling its many facets, Health Spring also answers to the name “Wall Spring,” a testament to its connection with the vibrant environment of Wall Springs County Park.


What is Wall Springs Cave in the USA?

Wall Springs Cave is a serene natural spring located within Wall Springs County Park, gracing the west side of US Alt 19 in Wall Springs.

How do I reach Wall Springs Cave?

To find Wall Springs Cave, drive north on US Alt 19 from the intersection of US 19 (Alt) and Oceanside Court in Wall Springs. Turn left onto Brevard Street, and you’ll discover Health Spring within Wall Springs County Park.

What can I experience at Wall Springs Cave?

At Wall Springs Cave, immerse yourself in the tranquility of a 30-foot spring pool, enclosed by a 2-foot-high concrete wall. A spring run flows northward into a tidal creek inlet and Boggy Bayou. The park surrounding the spring offers a picturesque retreat for picnicking and relaxation.

Dive Right In Scuba
Underwater caves