Caves archive

Gouffre de Poumayssen France

Information for this system is currently undergoing collection and analysis. Our team is actively working to offer additional information.

Trou Madame France

To reach Trou Madame, head north on D24 from Limogne and spot a distance marker post labeled “Limogne 8,” about 1 km from Cenevieres. After passing this sign, take the left track just beyond the marker. Follow the track for approximately 200 meters until you reach a wider section suitable for parking. Be cautious, as […]

Source du Doubs France

The Doubs River, stretching 453km, originates from the Source du Doubs, a small karst spring near Mouthe in the western Jura mountains. Despite its considerable length, the river meanders through a mere 72km from source to mouth, intricately shaped by the geological features of the Jura region. Nature’s Design: The Unique Path of Doubs River […]

Oeil de la Doue France

Information for this system is currently undergoing collection and analysis. Our team is actively working to offer additional information.

Grotte du Pont du Diable France

Information for this system is currently undergoing collection and analysis. Our team is actively working to offer additional information.

Gouffre de Lantouy France

Information for this system is currently undergoing collection and analysis. Our team is actively working to offer additional information.

Source du Lison France

Information for this system is currently undergoing collection and analysis. Our team is actively working to offer additional information.

Source de Landenouze France

Information for this system is currently undergoing collection and analysis. Our team is actively working to offer additional information.

Source de Dragonniere France

This cave is located on the lands of the Nature Reserve of the Gorges of Ardeche, access is regulated and limited to a few months in the year. It houses the isopod crustacean Sphaeromides raymond, endemic species known less than ten stations in southern France, for which no withdrawals are permitted.

Mermaid’s Hole Ireland

Explore the depths of Doolin Green Holes, a captivating saga of cave diving that unveils the mysteries of one of the longest marine caves globally. Pioneered by renowned cave divers, the exploration began with Ian Rolland’s groundbreaking 430m dive in 1987, leading to the discovery of Pirates Paradise, a dry chamber adorned with a fine […]